Friday, 21 March 2014

Love Shayari Urdu Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images

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Love Shayari Urdu Definition

Just a brief ten years ago we launched a simple idea that holds profound potential – celebrating our humanity through unconditional love on this symbolic day that we call Global Love Day. Today we bear witness to the beautiful response from countless individuals like you in every nation and culture who are bringing life to this vision by embodying and sharing love each and every day.
A new world is being born that ensures the destiny of our children will be one that is filled with integrity, dignity, diversity, harmony, prosperity and compassion. One-by-one and heart-to-heart we are laying this foundation with our own love for the benefit of generations yet to come. Bridging the days of old, we understand the value of forgiveness and self acceptance as being the cornerstone of our personal effort. Love truly does begin with me.
With each successive year, we are rapidly experiencing the realization that we are interconnected and interdependent and always have been. We comprehend that this precious planet is our home and, as a collective humanity, we are its custodians. What we do for one, we do for all, including ourselves. Together, we are uniting and making a difference through love.
Traditions, obligations and beliefs are transforming into viable pathways and solutions that are inclusive and acknowledge the common good for everyone. Alas, this does not always come easy or without challenge; however with courage, wisdom, respect and perseverance, we are taking the necessary steps knowing we are the ones responsible for this unfolding journey.
I extend my personal gratitude to each of you for sharing this vision with us these many years and for consciously making this a better world for all. With deep appreciation and love, I welcome you to our tenth celebration of Global Love Day.
As we come to know who we are and why we act and react the way we do, we start to see ourselves in the faces of humanity. The reflection of hurt is our hurt, their pain is our pain, another's anger is our anger. It is also seen in the face of nature. Her destruction is our destruction. These seemingly random expressions are our past thoughts seeking manifestation. It is our constant reminder that love is the answer. We build a new reality in this current moment when we let go. When we choose love over fear, kindness over hate, integration over separation, and peace over war, we bring a new reflection to humanity... our loving selves.
So, please accept our invitation to love. Join us hand-in-hand as we share our love on this planet once again.
You and I have the opportunity to make a difference. Together we can embrace our unlimited self, the part of us that knows love and expresses it naturally and simply. It is when we accept ourselves just for who we are that we transform the moment into peace, security, joy and love. This process begins with releasing our limiting beliefs, past mistakes, lack of self worth, pride and ego through the conscious act of forgiveness. It is up to us as individuals to undertake this journey. We begin the transformation when we turn within and accept our self. We change the world when we change our perspective.
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images
Urdu Love Poetry Shayari Quotes Poetry in English Shayri SMS Story Poetry for Her poems Poetry Images

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